Fat Transfer in Dubai &
Brazilian Butt Lift in Dubai

Fat Transfer in Dubai &
Brazilian Butt Lift

Fat transfer surgery, also referred to as fat grafting, fat injections, or lipomodelling, is an advanced body contouring surgery wherein fat harvested or removed from one part of your body (donor area) is injected into another part (recipient area) to enhance that part. Since your own body fat is used for augmentation and enhancement, fat grafting is 100% natural.
Do you want to reverse signs of aging or enhance and augment certain body parts using natural means? If yes, fat transfer in Dubai at Hasan Surgery could be an option for you.
Fat grafting or fat transfer in Dubai at Hasan Surgery is typically done to the face, neck, hands, breasts, and/ or buttocks. The surgery to transfer fat to the buttocks to augment them is called the Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL.
At our state-of-the-art plastic surgery clinic in Dubai, our experienced body contouring surgeons use ultra-modern equipment and techniques to harvest excess fat and transfer it to the desired body parts.
Procedure Type
Local Anesthesia/ Sedation/ General Anesthesia
Face/ Neck/ Hands: 1 Hour
Breasts: 2 Hours
Buttocks (BBL): 2 Hours
Genitals: 1 Hour
Recovery Period
Face/ Neck/ Hands: 3-4 Days
Breasts: 1-2 Weeks
Buttocks (BBL): 1-2 Weeks
Genitals: 1-2 Weeks
- Dr. Hasan Ali is among the most experienced body contouring surgeons and is counted among the leading body contouring surgeon in Dubai. He has an unparalleled body of work for body contouring surgeries, including Brazilian Butt Lift. The results obtained by his clients and their satisfaction levels are second to none.
- Fat transfer surgery, including the Brazilian Butt Lift in Dubai at Hasan Surgery, is an advanced body sculpting and contouring surgery. It has a dual advantage of not only getting rid of the unwanted fat, but also utilizing the excessive fat from these donor areas. Considering this, a surgeon who has mastered liposuction and is also a body contouring expert is likely to give the best results for your fat grafting surgery too. For long lasting results that allow the fat to stay in the recipient areas and not be lost by significant reabsorption by the body, and to get the right body contours, you need an exceptional plastic surgeon. And in that respect, Dr. Hasan Ali is highly accomplished surgeon for fat transfer in Dubai. He is among the pioneers of VASER liposuction in UAE and is highly regarded for advanced body contouring and 4D Hi Def liposuction surgeries too.
- Dr. Hasan is known for his exceptional skills as a plastic surgeon. He is that rare kind of plastic surgeon who is widely respected and trusted by his patients and fellow doctors alike. He has performed 5,000+ surgeries with outstanding results.
- Dr. Hasan’s clinic – Hasan Surgery – is located in Dubai, UAE in the prestigious Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC). True to Dr. Hasan’s desire for excellence, Hasan Surgery is a highly modern, cosmetic surgery clinic in Dubai. It is set up as an Ambulatory daycare surgical facility.
- Hasan Surgery is an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery clinic in Dubai since 2016 – the global gold standard for accreditation of outpatient surgical facilities. The accreditation acknowledges the clinic’s high standards and latest technology and its focus on patient safety.
- Hasan Surgery is a plastic surgery clinic committed to the highest standards of quality and patient safety.
- Because of his high standing as a top plastic surgeon in Dubai, Dr. Hasan Ali is also a renowned trainer of plastic surgeons, surveyor, and examiner.
As per Dubai/ UAE regulations, we are not permitted to showcase images of certain body parts, and particularly female body parts, including breasts, thighs, buttocks, and genitalia. Likewise, we are not permitted to show images without written patient consent. The below before/after images are only of permitted body parts for men and women and are shown with patient consent. For this procedure, we have a vast collection of before/after images, but those have either not been consented to by our patients for public display or are not permitted to be displayed as per local regulations. We would be delighted to show you our results during your initial consultation. We encourage you to ask our surgeons for the same during the consultation.
What is Fat Transfer surgery?
Fat Transfer or Fat Grafting surgery is an advanced body contouring surgery that achieves a two-for-one effect. On the one hand, it removes excess fat from specific areas of your body (donor areas) via liposuction, making those parts slimmer and more defined. On the other hand, the fat removed or harvested from the donor areas is repurposed and used to enhance, augment, or rejuvenate other body parts (recipient areas).
Fat Transfer surgery can rejuvenate your face and neck by minimizing fine lines, reversing the fat and collagen lost due to aging. It can also augment your breasts naturally instead of using breast implants. Its most popular form, the Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is performed for buttock augmentation.
How is Fat Transfer surgery performed?
Fat Transfer surgery is a 3-step process:
Fat Removal/ Harvesting – Your plastic surgeon will agree with you on a donor site for fat extraction. The fat may be removed from the body using a fine surgical instrument (cannula) inserted through a small incision (liposuction).
Fat Preparation – The extracted fat is purified and made ready to use at the recipient site using specialized equipment. Blood and other body fluids are separated from the fat during this process. This preparation process may include washing, filtering, sedimentation, or centrifugation (spinning) of the fat.
Fat Transfer/ Injection – The extracted and purified fat is then injected into the chosen recipient areas using either a smaller cannula or needle or directly through an incision or puncture holes. Since some of the transferred fat does not maintain its volume over time, your surgeon may inject more than is needed at the time to achieve the desired result. Over a few weeks, the amount of transferred fat will decrease. At times, more fat grafting sessions may be needed to attain the desired results.
What are the typical donor areas for Fat Transfer surgery?
Fat is most commonly harvested or extracted from the abdomen, back, thighs, and hips.
What are the typical recipient areas for Fat Transfer surgery?
The most common recipient areas where fat is transferred are:
Face – for lip augmentation, plumping of sunken cheeks, defining chin and jaw lines, correcting crows feet, filling out frown lines and creases around the nose, scar revision on the face; and overall facial rejuvenation making you look softer and younger
Neck – to minimize the wrinkles on the neck
Hands – to reduce the appearance of gnarled, bony hands and give a more youthful look
Breasts – breast augmentation via fat transfer is extremely popular with people who want to have a natural enlargement and avoid using breast implants; also used for breast reconstruction after a mastectomy.
Buttocks – buttock augmentation via fat transfer (Brazilian Butt Lift/ BBL) is one of the most popular fat transfer surgeries – it gives volume and provides the appearance of a buttock lift.
Genitals – to reshape and resize male or female genitalia.
What are the benefits of Fat Transfer surgery?
- Natural, long-lasting and safe method
- Can be used to enhance, augment, and rejuvenate body parts
- Can be used to reverse signs of aging on the face and hands
- Gives a naturally softer, younger, plumper look
- Since own body fat is used, chances of adverse reactions are reduced
- Bonus impact of reducing fat from areas that have excess fat
- Can be used on most body parts
- Procedure can be repeated to build on results
Why is Fat Transfer to the Face & Neck done?
Fat can be injected throughout the face and front of the neck to give a more youthful appearance and fill creases and wrinkles. Typical areas of fat transfer include the lips, temples, folds around the mouth, brows, cheeks, chin, and neck. This is an alternative to traditional fillers such as hyaluronic acid or hydroxyapatite. Because the fat is living, it is a more permanent solution. And it is 100% natural.
Fat injections to the face are based on the premise that adding fat lost due to aging will restore a softer, more youthful appearance, reducing the signs of aging.
You can combine Fat Transfer to the face with other plastic surgery procedures such as facelift and blepharoplasty to achieve even more drastic results.
Why is Fat Transfer to Hands done?
Your hands do tell the story of your life and age. As we age, less collagen is produced, and our hands lose volume and fullness. This leads to the appearance of gnarled, wrinkled, and bony hands.
Fat grafting covers the veins and tendons underlying the hands that become prominent due to the loss of collagen with aging. It rejuvenates the appearance of your hands, making them softer and fuller.
Why is Fat Transfer to Breasts done?
Fat Transfer to Breasts is usually done for two reasons: Breast Augmentation or Breast Reconstruction.
Breast Augmentation via Fat Transfer: Women who want to enlarge their breasts using natural alternatives to breast implants opt for breast augmentation via fat transfer. This is ideal for women who want a modest increase in breast size and prefer natural means to achieve it.
Breast Reconstruction via Fat Transfer: Women who have lost a breast/s due to mastectomy and want to restore their appearance using natural alternatives opt for breast reconstruction via fat transfer. It is also used to correct breast contour abnormalities or to give a more natural look after a breast implant.
You may need more than one session of fat injections to the breast to achieve the desired breast size and effect.
What is Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL? Why is Fat Transfer to Buttocks or Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) done?
Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL is a surgery to increase the size of your buttocks without using buttock implants. Instead of butt implants, your body’s fat is extracted from other body parts, such as the stomach, back, or thighs, and used to augment your buttock size.
Fat Transfer to Buttocks or Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) adds volume and fullness to the buttocks using your body fat. The result is a more curvaceous buttock but without a buttock implant.
Combined with liposculpturing, Brazilian Butt Lift can also be used to achieve a more desirable buttock shape for men or women who already have an ample buttock size.
You may need more than one session of fat injections to the buttocks to achieve the desired size and results.
Who is an ideal candidate for Fat Transfer surgery?
The ideal candidate should be a healthy person who has achieved a healthy weight. They should not have fluctuating weight or any medical condition that could interfere with wound healing.
Before ensuring your candidature for the fat grafting surgery, your plastic surgeon will review your medical history and past and present health condition. You will have to discuss your medication, including any herbal supplements.
As a possible fat transfer surgery candidate, you must have realistic expectations about your resultant appearance after the procedure. You must stop smoking before and after the surgery, as tobacco can slow down the blood flow to the skin and thereby slow down the healing process.
Your plastic surgeon will check your previous medical history before recommending the procedure. The surgery will show desirable results only on people who are generally healthy and do not have any prior history of having cardiac issues, pulmonary emboli, excessive bleeding, seizures, immunodeficiency disorders, or deep vein thrombosis. People with such conditions are discouraged from undergoing this procedure due to a higher risk of surgical complications.
People on specific anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant drugs are also discouraged from undergoing fat transfer surgery. Further, people with poor skin elasticity are also less suitable candidates for the procedure.
What is the cost of Fat Transfer surgery/ Brazilian Butt Lift in Dubai?
The cost of Fat Transfer in Dubai (including Brazilian Butt Lift in Dubai) depends on the following factors:
- Skill and experience of the plastic surgeon
- Standard of the clinic/ hospital where the surgery will be performed
- Areas from where fat is to be removed
- Areas to which the fat is to be transferred
- Amount of fat to be extracted and grafted
- Extent of body contouring involved
Getting an initial consultation from a specialist plastic surgeon is advised to know the cost applicable to your case and your eligibility for the procedure.
What anesthesia is usually given for Fat Transfer surgery/ BBL?
At our clinic in Dubai, Fat Transfer surgery is performed under local anesthesia or IV sedation anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure.
In some cases, Brazilian Butt Lift may be performed under general anesthesia at our accredited hospital in Dubai.
When can I resume normal activities after my Fat Transfer surgery/ BBL?
We recommend you ideally schedule 2 weeks off from work after your fat transfer surgery. During the first week, there is significant swelling, which starts to subside in the second week. The complete recovery and healing will take longer and could take up to 6 months.
Take note that even after the two weeks off, you might be required to avoid specific activities until you fully recover. For people whose work involves strenuous physical activities, you’ll need an extended time of another week or two to wait for your full recovery.
What are the risks and side effects of Fat Transfer surgery/ BBL?
Fat Transfer is a very safe procedure, but the following complications may be generally seen:
- Swelling
- Infection
- Hematoma/seroma (blood/ fluid accumulation in the skin)
- Excessive bleeding
- Allergic reactions
- Temporary numbness
- Fat embolism
- Contour irregularities
- Need for repeat procedure because the fat did not “take,” i.e., it was reabsorbed by the body
Fat transfer to the face may cause complications such as lumps, puffiness, infection, and bleeding. Vision abnormalities, including blindness, may occur in rare instances. In extremely rare cases, fat transfer to the face can block the oxygen supply to the brain, resulting in a stroke.
Specifically for hands, fat transfer to the hands may cause swelling and bruising that may last for a prolonged period.
For fat transfer to breasts, there is no reason to believe that such transfer causes breast cancer. While there is limited information regarding the long-term implications of such procedures, there are some potential concerns regarding breast cancer detection. Since the transferred fat may become firm and cause lumps, it may be necessary to have radiological studies (mammogram, ultrasound, or MRI) performed to ensure these lumps are not due to cancer. It is also possible that the firmness may make it more difficult for you or your doctor to examine the breasts. It is also possible that a biopsy may be needed if there is concern about any abnormal findings in your breasts.
In case of fat transfer to the buttocks or Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), since large volumes of fat transfer are typically needed for augmentation, the transferred fat may become firm and cause lumps.
What recovery and post-operative precautions are needed after a Fat Transfer surgery/ BBL?
Most patients experience pain and discomfort after the surgery when anesthesia effects diminish. You will start to feel comfortable after a couple of days.
Immediately after the fat grafting surgery, the liposuction incisions will be covered in bandages. These loosely wrapped bandages will help minimize the swelling. Sometimes, a small tube will be placed in the donor area to drain the excess blood and lymph fluid.
You can expect pain, swelling, and bruising issues during your first two weeks of recovery. The pain is managed with prescribed medications, and the bruising through cold compresses or Arnica gel. You should get plenty of rest during this time, though you should walk lightly to promote circulation and avoid blood clots.
After the first week of recovery, it is necessary to do a follow-up visit with your plastic surgeon to monitor your progress— to check the incision sites. Attend all your follow-up visits to help with the entire recovery process.
After 2-3 weeks, you will have recovered enough to return to most of your routine. The swelling will have largely subsided, though complete swelling may take up to 6 months to disappear.
It is still best to do follow-up visits with your plastic surgeon for continuing post-surgical care. It may be possible that you require supplemental procedures after six months to get the desired results if the fat does not “take” as expected.
When will the results of my Fat Transfer surgery be visible?
Post-surgery, there will be an immediate visible improvement in the shape or appearance of the treated areas. The full results will be visible in about six months once the swelling has completely gone and the fat has taken to the injected areas.
How can I maintain the results of my Fat Transfer surgery?
For best results, strictly follow the care instructions of your plastic surgeon before and after the surgery. For lasting results, maintain a stable and healthy weight.
It is important to note that the longevity of your results depends on the techniques for harvesting, purification, and fat injection used by your cosmetic surgeon and also on the skill of your surgeon. For this reason, choose your plastic surgeon with extreme care.
Fat Transfer Surgery/ BBL Video Gallery
BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT (Buttock Augmentation via Fat Transfer)
*Disclaimer: Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Results Can Vary Significantly Between Patients. In terms of results and expectations, there are numerous variables with every patient, surgery, recovery, and healing period. For more information, please read our Full Disclaimer.