Vaser Liposuction Recovery Facts – What You Need to Know?

vaser liposuction recovery

Vaser Liposuction Recovery Facts – What You Need to Know?

Vaser liposuction is the latest liposuction technique that uses modern technology for fat removal. Contrary to the traditional liposuction technique, Vaser lipo uses high-frequency radio waves to break down belly fat, thus enabling faster, safer and better fat removal and body contouring.

Now as more and more people choose Vaser liposuction as their preferred body contouring and fat removal surgical process, many are concerned with liposuction vaser recovery. Now, before we move onto some of the most commonly asked questions regarding liposuction vaser recovery, it’s safe to state that the recovery time for Vaser liposuction is quite shorter as compared to the traditional liposuction method. And while the precise time required for liposuction Vaser recovery would vary from person to person, generally it would be a smooth phase-wise transition.

Now, let’s look at some of the facts about Vaser lipo surgery.

What should I expect immediately after the surgery?

Well, post Vaser liposuction surgery, you will experience weeping of fluids from the treated body regions. It is important to note that the fluid coming out of your body will be tumescent fluid. Your surgeon will apply pads on the skin immediately after the surgery for liposuction vaser recovery. The pads will be kept under the garments and will collect the fluids. Generally, the pads will be fine for 24 hours and most of the time by this time the fluids will stop weeping.

Apart from the fluid weeping, you may also experience bruises, pain, and tenderness in the treated area. The magnitude of pain will vary from patient to patient and how an individual’s body reacts to the pain. You will be recommended a pain killed during the initial liposuction vaser recovery period. The pain will also vary depending upon the surgery procedure (whether the surgery has taken place under general anesthesia or local anesthesia). You can also expect a bit of nausea and sickness during the initial liposuction Vaser recovery days.

Are there any specific food or drink to take or avoid during the liposuction vaser recovery period?

Yes. It is highly recommended to increase the water intake, at least during the initial liposuction vaser recovery period. This is to help flush out the anesthetics from the body. In fact, patients treated under local anesthesia are even encouraged to take fatty means (KFC or McDonald will be fine too) on the day of surgery.


Can I drive following the day of surgery?

Generally, it is recommended to avoid driving immediately after the surgery. In fact, you should stop taking part in any stressful activity during the initial liposuction vaser recovery period.

Avoiding any serious or stressful activity is also recommended because you won’t be at your fullest of abilities, which can lead to safety issues as well.

That’s also why it is generally recommended to visit the hospital for surgery with your relative or friend who can drive you back home post-surgery. While some patients do get back home driving by themselves, however, that isn’t recommended.

What about the garments during liposuction vaser recovery?

Well, the garments used during surgery serve two purposes. Firstly, the elastic compression of the garments minimizes swelling and bruising, as well as minimize the fluid collection. Secondly, the elastic compression from the garment also helps in the contraction and tightening of the skin.

Remember, the first few days of liposuction vaser recovery are crucial and use of specially designed garment with elastic compression will help in better Hi-definition results.


What to expect during the first week of liposuction vaser recovery?

During the first post-surgery week, you may experience bruises (blue/purple), which can vary significantly from person to person. You may also experience tenderness and numbness of skin together with bruising. In some cases, patients also might experience itchy sensation during the first week of recovery.

During the initial two weeks, it is highly recommended to use elastic compression garments as well as foam binder (in case of stomach vaser liposuction). This will help in minimizing the bruises and inflammation as well as reduce the risk of fluid collection.

At the end of the first week of fat operation recovery time, you can start driving, while some patients may also resume their work. However, it is recommended to avoid any strenuous exercise during the initial few weeks of recovery of lipo surgery.

What to expect after two weeks of post-surgery?

Well, by the end of the second week, you will have recovered greatly. In fact, some patients might have fully recovered, while others may still be dealing with some deep bruises. Here, deep bruises represent a special condition where a patient’s body starts producing fibrosis and collagen for healing along with some fluid that has been left inside the body. In such a condition, the patient might feel the hardness of skin as well as numbness in the specific body part.

 How to treat deep bruises?

The recommended way to treat deep bruises is to get a gentle deep massage. There are other treatments as well that can be recommended by your surgeon after seeing the ultrasound reports. However, during this period, there will be no need to wear a special garment, while you can also start participating in normal exercises.

What’s the importance of diet and exercise in liposuction vaser recovery period?

Well, diet and exercise are two of the most crucial and important recovery components that can’t be stressed enough. The ultimate time required for complete recovery will eventually depend upon the healthy lifestyle adopted by the patient. Diet and exercise not only help in faster and better liposuction vaser recovery, but they also help in getting the best post-surgery results and in the long run you will have to switch to a healthy lifestyle to truly rejuvenate the benefits of vaser liposuction.

Will I be on medication during the recovery period?

Yes. There will be some prescription medication during the recovery period. These will include vitamins as well as anti-inflammatory, anti-swelling, antioxidants among others.

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  • I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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